Are you struggling with knee pain or osteoarthritis?
هل تعاني من آلام الركبة أو هشاشة العظام؟
If you’re suffering from knee pain then you’re probably going to a doctor or physical therapist.
إذا كنت تعاني من آلام في الركبة ، فمن المحتمل أن تذهب إلى طبيب أو معالج فيزيائي.
However, there are three proven ways to help with knee pain so you can move more easily and even start exercising again. These are massage, heat therapy, and light therapy.
ومع ذلك ، هناك ثلاث طرق مثبتة للمساعدة في علاج آلام الركبة حتى تتمكن من التحرك بسهولة أكبر وحتى البدء في ممارسة الرياضة مرة أخرى. هذه هي التدليك والعلاج الحراري والعلاج بالضوء.
The Healing Power of Knee Massage, Heat Therapy, and Light Therapy
القوة العلاجية لتدليك الركبة والعلاج الحراري والعلاج بالضوء
Let’s start by looking at knee massage.Many people are familiar with massage for soft tissue parts of the body including thighs and the muscles of the back. But recently, doctors have been recommending massage for joints like the shoulder, ankle, and knees.
لنبدأ بالنظر إلى تدليك الركبة ، فالكثير من الناس على دراية بتدليك أجزاء الأنسجة الرخوة في الجسم بما في ذلك الفخذين وعضلات الظهر. لكن في الآونة الأخيرة ، أوصى الأطباء بتدليك المفاصل مثل الكتف والكاحل والركبتين.
How Does Knee Massage Help?Several studies have shown that knee massage provides the following benefits.
✅Increases blood flow to the joint
✅Stronger circulation
✅Less swelling in the knee area
✅Replenishes joint fluids
✅Reduces overall pain and stiffness.
كيف يساعد تدليك الركبة: أظهرت العديد من الدراسات أن تدليك الركبة يوفر الفوائد التالية.
✅ يزيد من تدفق الدم إلى المفصل
✅ أقوى تداول
✅ انتفاخ أقل في منطقة الركبة
✅ يعيد اختناق سوائل المفاصل
✅ يقلل الألم والتصلب بشكل عام
“If you’re suffering from knee issues and you have not tried knee massage, then it’s certainly time to start.”
“إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الركبة ولم تجرب تدليك الركبة ، فقد حان الوقت بالتأكيد للبدء.”
“Red Light” therapy has also been shown to help with knee discomfort. This happens because red light can stimulate the growth of healthy cells. This can lead to reduced inflammation and more comfortable joint function. Light therapy also helps with healthy function of mitochondria. This provides the “fuel” for cells. Again, this can provide relief to people who are dealing with joint discomfort.
Heat Therapy
Heat therapy has also proven to be effective because it loosens the muscles around the knee and also loosens interior parts of the knee.
When you apply heat to a sore joint, the blood vessels get bigger. This allows more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to be delivered to the injured tissues. Better circulation means more relaxation for the knee joint.
Fortunately, there’s a new medical device that is perfect for people who want to take advantage of these therapies.
This Knee Massager Brings You All The Benefits of Heat Therapy, Knee Massage, and Light Therapy…
يوفر لك مدلك الركبة جميع فوائد العلاج الحراري وتدليك الركبة والعلاج بالضوء
“I now enjoy regular weekend hiking and biking trips with my husband,” says Cathy. “I have been experiencing mobility that I could only imagine feeling in my college days and this Knee Massager™ is to thank for that.”
“Got this for my my Sister.and she put it on right away. Her knees were a little stiff and sore in cold weather. After using the knee massager she felt better.”
“I bough this for my grandmother. Her knee has always pain when she stand or walk for long time. After she started to use it, she said she feels so much better. Specially that heating is so good. She is so happy for it. Also my mother started to use it for her swelling leg. It’s so useful and easy to operate. I am so happy with this purchase.”
“My husband has a job that he is on his knees a lot and he is always complaining they hurt 😒 So I surprised him with this massager. He wears it in the evening and says it feels good after a long day. Between the heat and massage he doesn’t complain how bad his knees are anymore. Thank you very much.”
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